Centre for Doctoral Training
A Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Resilient Decarbonised Fuel Energy Systems has been funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

The centre aims to bring together the expertise of the Universities of Cardiff, Nottingham and Sheffield, alongside industrial sponsors, to develop cohorts of high-calibre doctoral students. This next generation of research leaders and innovators will tackle major challenges facing industry and society, allowing them to develop a broad economic, societal and contextual awareness, as well as strong technical skills and experience operatin within a multi-disciplinary team.
Doctoral students based in Cardiff undertake research at the GTRC, using an extensive range of experimental and diagnostic facilities to contribute towards world-leading research.

Current CDT projects are listed below:

Current CDT opportunities at Cardiff are listed below:

Further information on the CDT can be found on the dedicated webpage.
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