The High-Pressure Optical CombustorSection View of the HPOC ConstructionAn extensive range of state-of-the-art measurement sections are available, some unique, each with different capabilities, all of which are predominately non-intrusive. A range of burners can be adapted to fit inside the HPOC, with the casing rated to 1.6 MPa and 923 K. A water-conditioned exhaust sample probe delivers emissions to an on-line gas analysis suite. Precise combustor pressure can be specified through use of a water-cooled back-pressure valve with incremental control. Various liquid and gaseous fuels may be fired including kerosene, diesel, bio-diesels, Natural Gas, Methane and a range of simulated synthesis gases. Measurements can be made with the following maximum throughputs:
A comprehensive facility instrumentation suite is linked to a data-logging server, with all experiments controlled remotely via PLC. GTRC Control and Data-Logging Suite
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